Welcome to


A Rocky Mountain Retreat for Women

Journey to wellness in nature’s embrace

Thursday 10/24 - SuNDAY 10/27

Learn more

Nestled in the majestic Colorado Rockies, this exclusive retreat offers busy women and mothers a ​chance to prioritize themselves, reconnect with their inner selves, and experience deep rejuvenation. ​Away from the demands of daily life, you'll find space to breathe, heal, and rediscover your essence ​in a peaceful ranch setting.

Woman in Black Jacket Sitting on Tree Log Near Lake

Between back-to-school chaos ​and the approaching holiday ​frenzy, you deserve a break.

When you nurture yourself, ​everyone around you thrives.

This retreat is an opportunity to give space and breath to the often-neglected parts of ​yourself. Come unwind, refill your cup and remember the powerful woman you are!

What You’ll Experience

  • Customized 1:1 90-120 minute wellness sessions ta​ilored to your needs
  • Personalized diet plans and supple​ment recommendations
  • Bes​poke herbal remedies
  • Optional acupuncture and gentle targeted ​massage with cupping
  • 90-minute Meditative Breathwork Journeys to release emotions​ and promote healing
  • Somatic and breath techniques for da​ily self-nourishment
  • Tools to harness your nurturing superpowers and ap​ply them to yourself
  • Ranch-sourced, nutr​itious gourmet meals
  • Learn about the importance of food sourcing for optimal health + insights int​o cooking nutritious se​asonal meals at home
  • Deepened Connection - with nature, your body/self, and ot​her incredible women
  • Healing and restoration from immersing yourself in the sa​cred land and space.
  • Transformation...You’ll come away with a renewed sense of self, your​ vitality restored..

Key Benefits

  • Deep reset and rejuvenation
  • Opportunity to listen to your heart and body
  • Release of stuck emotions and trauma
  • Reconnection with your inner self
  • Tools for ongoing self-care and empowerment
  • Ways to heal and connect deeper with your ​body through food and the culinary arts
  • Learn how to make simple yet invaluable ​nourishing foods in every season

XIT Ranch

Meet Your Guides

Chef Abby Knowles

World-Class Chef & Nutrition Expert

Abby creates nourishing, sustainably sourced ​meals that delight the palate and support your ​wellness journey.

She and her family own and operate the historic ​XIT Ranch - with dedication to land stewardship ​and breeding the highest quality cattle and ​ranch horses.


Dr. Margaret Hampton

Eastern Medicine Doctor & Functional Medicine Specialist

Dr. Hampton combines her doctorate in Eastern ​Medicine with Functional Medicine training to ​provide personalized wellness sessions. Her ​intuitive approach helps unlock your body’s ​messages, addressing concerns from hormones ​to sleep, digestion to energy levels.


Aimee Smith

Compassionate Breathwork Faciliator

Empowerment Coach

Aimee specializes in empowering women through ​restorative breathwork and self-care practices ​that release anxiety, stored emotions and ​overwhelm. Her approach combines powerful ​breathing techniques, daily self-care rituals, and ​healing practices that help women shift to inner ​peace and rediscover their vitality.

What’s Included:

  • 3 nights Luxury Lodging
  • Gourmet Farm to Table Meals/Snacks (Th dinner, F/Sa all meals, Su breakfast/lunch)
  • Cooking experience with Chef Abby
  • Customized 90-120 minute private session with Dr. Margaret: individualized herbal remedies, ​acupuncture, targeted massage
  • Individualized wellness & diet plans to enhance your health year-round​
  • 2- 90 minute group Meditative Breathwork sessions with Aimee​
  • 1:1 consult with Aimee + Breathwork + take-away tools for continued self-nourishment​
  • Tea Ceremony ​
  • Full body healing and restoration ​
  • Coming away feeling completely renewed and rejuvenated​
  • And so much more.....​

The Setting


We can’t wait for you ​to join us in this serene ​Rocky Mountain ​setting to prioritize ​your well-being, ​rediscover your spirit, ​and return home ​renewed, balanced, and ​equipped with tools for ​continued self-nurture.

XIT Ranch

Space is limited - secure your spot now!

Early Bird Pricing thru Sept. ​24th: $3,500

Bring a friend and save! ​2 people for $6,500

A $500 non-refundable deposit is ​required to secure your spot.

Pay via Venmo:

The remaining balance is due by October ​10th via Venmo or check.

Peaceful woman having fun in meadow


The Location: La Veta, Colorado

The Dates: Thursday 10/24 - Sunday 10/27

How To Get There: 183 miles southwest of Denver, 95 miles from Colorado Spring ​airport

Can You Accommodate Different Dietary Preferences? Absolutely! We will take ​care of you!

Room Preferences: All rooms are dual-occupancy. We will put great care in ​matching you with your roommate .

Have more questions? Book a Call with Aimee: Book Your Call